Full Brother to 'Tom' above, Jerry is a bit more laid back. He is a finished horse with a fantastically smooth lope and beautiful fantasitc doll head. I never sent in his papers to register him, (still have them filled out from so long ago, ;) )

Miss Kit Kat
A wonderful little dun quarter pony I am working on for my kids. She is beautiful and out of Doc Tom Tucker and a great little pony mare.

'Tom' aka Ima Black Tom Tucker
One of my first horses out of my stallion Doc Tom Tucker, AQHA. I started 'Tom', Ima Black Tom Tucker and finished him myself. To date I have done everything from period acting, Journey To Bethlehem in Ceres, CA, to Bridleless Mounted Shooting. He can be ridden by my 6 year old as well as compete in open California Cowboy Challenges. I have gathered cattle, Parades, Gymkhana and trail riding in the mountains.